Kayaking Camping and Night Walks
Kayaking Camping and Night walks are popular activities for school groups.
Choosing camping sites is important too if you want to do night walks and kayaking activities during the day or night. Do we want a mangrove setting for our paddle or do we want to skirt along an estauary or cross to local islands?
Kayaking, Camping and Night Walks
Planning for Kayaking Camping and Night Walks
The planning of the expedition must take into account the risk factors and how we will manage the risk and make the trip successful. Night walks along a beach are a sheer delight in some places but quite risky in others. Local knowledge is really important and we would always prefer to have a local guide for any night walking or canoeing activity.Our safey boat is always in attendance!
Kayaking, Camping and Night Walks

Camping Sites
Choosing camping sites is of paramount importance to the success of the School trip or expedition.
Most of our offsite trips or expeditions include a night or two under canvas and we strongly recommend that Thai based International Schools send their lead Teacher to assess the sites suitability with a staff member from Sail in Asia. The question for group leaders to ask themselves is, how rural and how isolated they wish to be? Finding the right site is a measure of how authentic your expedition or adventurous journey will be.
For Schools in Europe, Australia or North America we suggest we have Skype conferences to establish viability of sites and to also use video and photographs to inform the school Group Leader of the nature of the site.
The Krabi Sail in Asia Base has several possible camping sites and are decided upon the activity and routes chosen by the School Group Leader. Krabi Boat Lagoon has a purpose built site in the marina and will usually be our start camping site.
The islands of Ko Yao Yai and Ko Rang Yai also have possible camping sites. We recommend site visits by lead teachers so we can do site specific risk assessments.
Additional Information
- Teams of 6 for camping are recommended
- Safety briefings are necessary after the camp is established
- Canoeing Strokes and rafting need explanation and practice (practical))
- Launching and Recovery of Canoes
- RIB Role explained
- Loading and unloading the boats
- Night walk rules
- Erecting Tents
- The Campsite Rules
- The Safety Boat
- Weather
Previous experience: No previous experience required
Duration:Number of days varies according to Group Leader decisions
Qualifications: Nil
What's Included: Safety equipment, Instruction, Dragonboats, Bottled Water, Tents, Canoes, Keelboats, Big RIB
What's optional: SiA T shirts, SiA Caps
What's required: WLight deck shoes,shorts or long trousers,t shirt, sunglasses and sunblock
We can help you with the following on request:
Airport Transfer