Ko Yao Yai Circumnavigation
Our Ko Yao Yai circuit is an adventurous journey that starts at our base at Ao Yon on Phuket Island. The students are already trained in the use of, and familiar with, the Keelboats or Yachts. Crews have already been formed and the groups have all their camping kit, tents, clothing and personal effects carefully stored in “dry bags’ on the vessels.
Each crew has planned the adventurous journey on charts (laminated) and tablets or phones. The group are briefed on the trip and the safety aspects. This is a Flotilla of boats with a large 6m RIB safety boat in attendance. The students sail independently, but always in close proximity to each other. Supervisory staff, instructors and teachers all travel with the yachts.
The route outlined on the chart is followed. We can plan this trip to round the two main islands either in a clockwise or anti clockwise direction, depending on which season it is; NE Monsoon season or SW Monsoon Season. The route stops are indicative on the chart seen opposite.
Explaining the Journey
Risk Assessments

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